A monument sign is a free-standing, outdoor structure used to designate the entrances of corporate businesses, community centers, entertainment complexes, schools, apartment buildings, churches, housing developments, medical and hospital facilities, corporate campuses, retail centers, and any organization that has a physical space.
Here, we have outlined five common kinds of monument signage to help you decide which is best for your church.
Free-Standing Architectural Building Signage
They’re crafted and designed with a number of innovative, lightweight but durable materials, specifically designed for long-term use outdoors. The facades may include stone, brick, stucco, wood, or any surface to fit the building’s style.
To be seen in the evening, this signage may be illuminated from inside or list by outside flood type lights.
Post and Panel Signage
Similar to the architectural free-standing signs, post and panel signage may be designed from a number of materials. The signage may be straightforward or it may be made with elaborately painted and carved wood paneling for upscale churches.
Colored, high contrast graphics assist a church in standing out to get the attention of worshippers.
Pylon Signs
Typically, a pylon sign is made using one cabinet set atop a pole or it is positioned between tall poles.
Pylon signage attracts driver and pedestrian’s attention and assists them in identifying churches inside busy complexes.
If you’re leasing space and have pylon signage on your property, be certain that your lease offers specific details about the position and size for your church panel. As you design your part of the sign, keep it high contrast, simple, and large.
Outdoor Directory Signage
These are often used in retail areas that have sign rules preventing the use of illuminated signs or colorful branding.
While this signage might not seem as thrilling as additional kinds of monuments signs, bear in mind how critical it is for your visitors to be reassured that they’ve arrived at the proper destination. Be certain that your church is included on any existing roadside directory.
Digital Display
These signs are used by churches, schools, retail businesses, entertainment centers, and additional organizations that have a dedicated building and active promotional offers or schedule of events.
Digital signage provides identity, yet also provides critical messages about promotional offers or upcoming and current events.
The movement and illumination make these signs hard to miss.
For more information on our monument signs for churches, call or email us today.